Sunday, September 6, 2009

99 ci wo ai ta (99 times i love him)

hmmmm ...99 is a good number for me if you ask me.I dont know but i just like it at the moment.I had a few tests this week.I hope i do well on them.Listening to 99 ci wo ai ta by shorty yuen .Its so nice, from the ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni soundtrack.okay the song just changed.i'm ok by shorty yuen again.I wonder what other songs she has.she has a nice voice.:) We had the upper school music concert yesterday.stacey kicked meee..... because halfway through i had some tea and it was very bitter and people were performing.our ocnversation went something like this:
Jo:Stacey,my teas weird can i have some sugar..
Jo:Why about after this performance?
Stacey:No , jo
(after the performance)
Jo:Can i have some sugar now?
Stacey: NO!!!!*kicks me*

~end of flashback thingy~
seee , stacey kicked me and then jan and tom came in.apparently according to jan , tom followed her around to the nfront of the building and she was like , wth are you doing here.he replied , "i was going to go around the other side but then ill look like a loner can i come with you" or something like that.when jan told me i was bored.okay ...

-end of post-
~报告完毕~ :)

Monday, August 31, 2009


haha im writing in english for once.ummm today was pretty okay except i did pretty badly for my maths test.somehow i dont feel like im getting good marks as hard as i may try, i still get pretty bad marks.but at least this time i know it wasnt for lack of effort , just plenty of careless mistakes.i hope... XD i think that i should study harder and get better on the next test?god help me , i have to get better marks or god forbid me to fall into a state of dank*sigh* i should be studying for my science and s and e test but im procrastinating and have decided at this very moment to start updating my blog coincidental.anywayyy eunhyuk didnt come to school today , my experiment is still ongoing though , hope he comes back to school tomorrow , to chelsea's disappointment.:):)lets just say he has many other admirers who are somewhat...hmmm...i dont now how to say it but lets just say weird . ECONOMICS ! haha im getting my mummy to help me study for economics because shes good at it and she likes teaching me.its so funny seeing her revise with my sister , whom she says the exact same things to and my sister gives her the exact same answers i gave her the day before.amusing in the least.annddd i found mini tom! tom says mini tom doesnt look like him at all but me and jsutin say he does.i rest my case.I should really get back to studying now..OMG my brother is showing my daddy the video of my Tournament of the minds performance where clare went EEE YAY and hugged me at the end.shocking , i know. anw bye bye and i will TRY to update more in the future..:) not like anyone reads my blog anyway XD

Monday, August 10, 2009


哇。。。今天好累哦, 我不小心把我的背弄到很痛,现在我呼吸也很痛。。。太好了。我今天有了数学草时,我一看到考试纸 字,我的脑一片空白。我好不容易才能冷静下来,才能把我的考试做完。我好希望把它作好好的。亲爱的读书者, 真的希望这个考试可以作好一点。如果可以的话,我会很开心。你们要和我以其许愿,须得远就是要我的考试做好一点,好不好!:)哈哈, 如果没有神父在我旁边,我知道我真地会不及格, 因为是他帮着我,给我力量,让我可以坚持到底!哈哈,还有很多人好像我妈妈,姐姐,也有我的偶像,曹格, 如果我没了他,我就不会灌木想看,不会继续整饬我要的生活,我要的东西!哈哈, 晚安,大家!:)


wo de kuai le -sub -theme song for ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni

徘了徊了走了 错了过了等了累了全都困了 烦的乱的等的都是真的
疯的想的念的 不安的焦虑的复杂的梦过的 拥有的失去的怎么忘呢
你做过的伤 放困了你爱的音那天的我等着你等成了摆设
我的你的他的 好的坏的难的灰的蓝的黄的 酸的甜的苦的都还记得
非常想要忘的 绝对不能忘的我心要换你的 真的不行那么只得放了
我的快乐 会回来的只要清楚曾爱得那么深刻不准问值不值得
我的快乐 会回来的离开不是谁给了谁的选择
我的快乐 会回来的只要清楚曾爱得那么深刻不准问值不值得
我的快乐 会回来的离开不是谁给了谁的选择
我的快乐 会回来的只要清楚曾爱得那么深刻不准问值不值得
我的快乐 会回来的离开不是你给了我的选择
疯的想的念的 不安的焦虑的复杂的梦过的 拥有的失去的怎么忘呢
非常想要忘的 绝对不能忘的我心要换你的 真的不行那么只得放了

Monday, July 13, 2009


In the book "Teen Idol" , the main character Jen helps many people , and in one incident helps an overweight wannabe to become a better person and to have a healthier diet.Sadly , in real life people dont listen to you as they do in books.The author has control over the characters and their emotions , but in real life , there is no-one , not one person who can make you do something you dont want to do , or to make you listen when you dont want to listen.But what if what the person is askng from you is going to benefit you , would you listen?Although there is a little thing inside of you that is telling you not to listen , deep down , you know that that is the right thing to do,whatever that thing is...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


heeellllooooo everyone , ppl of earth , whatever , listening to Gary Chaw again , yes he's the best!Im really bored and listening to music is fun!dont u think?XDAnyway , social was yesterady , thought it was going to be very boring , but it was actually very fun!We all danced and maddie , chels and me went hyper!everyone went dressed up to the nines , or should i say , down to the nines....and it was reli funXD

Friday, June 19, 2009

我很生气!那有人可这样的!没问我就拿我的唱片去用的!我就是恨人这样,还有大家都知道我的宝贝就是我的CDs,如果要 拿就要先问马,真得很没有礼貌啊!我最爱我的音乐了,她明明就是知道这一点,但他为什么还要没问前去那。还有他还是对我的态度太差了吧,不会照顾我,不会安慰我,只回打我骂我,打到全身酸痛到不得了,还有很多伤口因她推我,用东西丢在我身上,对我一点姐妹的爱也没有。姐姐是要照顾妹妹,安慰她教她怎么做人,但我还是不可以对别人说我的姐姐是世界上最好的姐姐了。以前,我还记得做卡给他,上面有些我的姐姐是世界上最好的姐姐,但我现在不认为它像一个好办养,好姐姐。。。

My favourite singers!

  • 1:Caoge
  • 2:Wang Lee Hom
  • 3:Genie Zhuo
  • 4:Rainie Yang
  • 5:Wu Ke Qun
  • 6:Fang Da Tong
  • 7:Wilber Pan
  • 8:JJ Lin
  • 9:Fahrenheit
  • 10:mayday

Jo's Music

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